Add ACS 5-year estimates
1-year estimates are more susceptible to bad data. I'd love to be able to use Census Reporter, but can't confidently cite the ACS 1-year estimates in reports.

Census Reporter does, in fact, include 5-year estimates; however, to simplify things for less technical users, the system only presents 5-year estimates when 1-year estimates are not available or not appropriate. Therefore, on profile pages for places of population 65,000 or more, most data comes from 1-year estimates, although in some cases, the Census Bureau suppresses 1-year data (mostly for tables with very fine-grained distinctions), in which case you'll see a note on the page indicating that a certain chart or figure comes from the 5-year data instead.
when getting data for a specific table, again, Census Reporter tries to make the smart choice. If all of your geographies are 65,000 or larger, then Census Reporter uses 1-year data, but if any of the geographies are too small to be included in the 1-year release, then 5-year data is used for all geographies -- that is, if you have a city such as Chicago and a census tract in the same query, then data for both will come from the 5-year release.
At this time, there is no interface for forcing Census Reporter to give 5-year data in these cases. The API does support getting data for a specific release -- see for more details.
Specifically, this the default URL call to get data for table B13016 for the state of Wisconsin:
Using "latest" in the URL leaves the choice of release up to Census reporter, and in the above case, gets ACS 1 year data. However, one can specify the release, like this:
However, note that we are unable to support access to all past ACS releases. We only support the current release. URLs using "latest" will always work, but each fall, as the new ACS data is loaded into Census Reporter, the part of URLs specifying the release would need to be updated.