Additional data per Age group
I'm currently collecting population data per age groups, in addition I also need, gender, race, special needs and if they are disable. can this be found-per age group-on this site?
Questions like this are better suited to the "Contact support" option, but no worries, we'll answer as best we can here.
Census Reporter provides access to the most recent releases of the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey, specifically the "detailed tables". A good general way to learn more about the ACS is the handbooks for data users, some of which are tailored to specific kinds of data users -- see for the complete list.
We provide topical help which includes some lists of subsets of the available tables -- see So many tables include 'age' as part of the tabulation that we don't provide a list of those, as such, so you'd have to pick through the different pages.
Given that the ACS has well over 1000 detailed tables, there isn't a very convenient list of all of them, but Census Bureau has two Excel files (one for the 2019 1-year release and one for the 2015-2019 5-year release) which list them all, available here:
Besides the detailed tables, Census releases ACS data in other formats which are sometimes more convenient, but does not release them in a format suitable for import into Census Reporter. We've tried to make a complete list of these other products here:
Note that Census' rules about releasing personally identifiable information prevent any one table from combining all the factors you list, so you'll have to go to multiple tables. It is possible, in principle, to create "custom" tabulations using the public use microdata series (aka PUMS). One of the handbooks at the link above goes more into PUMS data, as does this article we sponsored on Open News's Source website:
If you identify a specific "detailed table" for which you want figures, you should be able to directly search by table code in Census Reporter: that is, enter something like "B01001" in the "Explore" search on the front page, or in the search at the top of every page. You can also just edit the table details URLs (like to change the table code to another. Watch the videos on our home page for more about using the detailed data tables.
Hope this helps. Feel free to ask more questions using "contact support".