Provide a view of adults 18+ for all demographics
We always look at population 18 years of age or older. Many of the tables that have information we need (example Income) start at age 25. Others, like some of the educational attainment tables have different rolled up categories for 18 to 24 than for 25+. It would be helpful to have the same level granularity in both groups and to have a section that subtotals the 18+ population.

This one flew under our radar when it was originally posted. Unfortunately, data in Census Reporter is provided nearly exactly as it is published by the US Census Bureau in the American Community Survey. (The only exception is our profile pages, where in some cases we "roll up" ACS detailed tables into forms that we think are a bit more what people often want, such as the age brackets or racial categories.
That is, this isn't something we can really do anything about.