67 results found
Update congressional district data for the states that redrew their lines in 2024.
It looks like many of the congressional district lines were updated to reflect their 2022 boundaries. However, five states — Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, New York and North Carolina — had their lines redrawn for the 2024 cycle. With the inauguration of the 119th Congress last week, those maps are now out of date. It would be great if all the congressional district data aligned with the current U.S. Congress.
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1 vote
Let user save their search criteria in their accounts for quick future reference
Instead of having to re-type in the name of multiple towns every time a user revisits the site, allow users to save certain search criteria would save a lot of time. For example, if someone is always comparing data between America's 10 largest cities, those cities would only have to be typed in once and then saves in their search criteria so the next time they want to compare data between said cities, they would just need to search for a new set of data but the cities would already be there.
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Let users search by table name.
Currently users can search the site by typing in the description of a table but cannot search using the actual number of the table. Significantly undermining the site's utility. I.e I can search "Household Size by Number of Workers in Household" but not "Table B08202".
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The NY Congressional Maps are severely outdated (from 2018) the maps have changed
Please correct the NY congressional maps. New maps are coming out end of the month. The maps you have are about 5 versions too old.
3 votes -
Update your Virginia congressional district shape files
The Virginia CD10 currently on the website is for the 2011 redistricting. The 2021 redistricting is very different. The state senate and house of delegates lines are very different, too. Please update your shapefiles to reflect the new lines.
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Asian American is a broad term
I work for a non profit in Chicago that serves the Korean American community. I need detailed information on Korean Americans in different counties. If I use Asian Americans my data is incorrect. It is frustrating, but I know that it is the fault of the setup of these surveys. They do not consider all topics when being detailed on ethnicity...thank you for the data on this site,, 2010-2015 data is pretty old and it does not help to identify needs of this community.
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Can we see historical view of census reporter to trend data over time?
This post outlines work to add capability to census reporter to trend data over time. But where can see use this tool ? Please share how to use this tool. Is there a link somewhere?
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Easily view density-based statistics
Using the map feature it's easy to switch between totals and percentages; it would be nice if seeing density based statistics were as easy. For instance if I'm looking for a location to open a commuter-focused bike shop, I do appreciate being able to see the totals and percentages of people who bike to work but areal density would probably be more helpful.
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only use one data source
Right now you have cities over 65,000 under the new ACS 2021 1-year data, and all others under the ACS 2020 5-year data. Unfortunately, these are two separate data sources so for statistical analysis, it's improper to compare, say, Cleveland with adjacent smaller suburbs. The database mixes them up, but I would keep ACS 2020 5-year until the 2017-2021 ACS 5-year Estimates come out in December and then switch to that, so that all census data is sourcing from the same estimates.
7 votes -
Location Headings and Add Metro Comparison
When retrieving an embed code, adding an option to include or exclude the location heading above a given infographic would be great for those of us using multiple infographics for a single location on a webpage (it gets repetitive). The existing subject title above a chart is more critical and most of the time we can just note the location of the data with our own webpage heading. ALSO, when reporting on stats for geographies like counties, adding metro area to the state and country comparisons would be awesome! Thanks for the great content.
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Update the Maui County subdivisions
Please update the Maui County subdivisions to include West Molokaʻi (you show only East Molokai although you have a West Molokai page)
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Additional data per Age group
I'm currently collecting population data per age groups, in addition I also need, gender, race, special needs and if they are disable. can this be found-per age group-on this site?
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Include homeless populations.
In california it says we have 13+ million households. And that we have 14+ million housing units. That leaves us with over a million vacant units. Are the people who live in hotels, motels cars and rvs included. And are hotels motels and inn counted as part of the housing units? Because they should not be. Unless they are extended stays because they have no other place to rent. Not long term business trips. But used as actually housing. If there are over a million vacant units and we don't have that many households to fill them then why are…
2 votes -
THE 2019 Data Profile for Philadelphia 5-Year estimates
The Black population under these criteria - Black alone 40.8% or 41% ; the Black alone or in combination with another race -44.1% using your limited criteria Barack Obama would have been grouped into the amorphous Two or more racial category. the more complete and accurate figure would be the 44.1%
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add racial/ethnicity data by county
You seem to break down county population in numerous ways, but not by race/ethnicity. An odd omission.
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4 votes
Add ACS 5-year estimates
1-year estimates are more susceptible to bad data. I'd love to be able to use Census Reporter, but can't confidently cite the ACS 1-year estimates in reports.
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Print and PDF ability
Make this all printable and/or downloadable into PDF format.
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Add "About us" information to every page: Census Reporter is a Knight News Challenge-funded project ..."
Make it easier to find "About us" information on the site.
2 votes
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